This Gal Cooks

Summer Crock Pot Recipes & A Giveaway!

I know all of you love crock pot recipes. I know I sure do! I’ve teamed up with three other fabulous bloggers to bring you a collection of Summer Crock Pot Recipes & A Giveaway!

Summer Crock Pot Recipes & Giveaway. Visit for more info and recipes!

My crock pot is one of my go-to cooking appliances no matter what time of the year it is.  It is perfect in the summer for making Chicken Enchilada Rice Bowls while you and the family are spending the day hanging out pool side (and it keeps the kitchen cool- no oven required!).  It is fabulous in the cooler months for making Creamy Chicken & Wild Rice Soup while busy at work or while taking the kids to school and running errands. It’s always awesome to have a hearty dinner waiting for everyone later once they get home from work or school!

Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Rice Bowls

Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Rice Bowls

I’ve teamed up with three  of my favorite bloggy friends to bring you a collection of fabulous crock pot recipes as well as a giveaway. We’ve designated August 12-18th as crock pot week! We will be sharing crock pot recipes and/or round-ups throughout the week so be sure to stay tuned to our blogs so you don’t miss a recipe! Also, I suggest bookmarking and/or pinning this page so you can easily find new crock pot recipes added to the linky throughout the week. Do you have a crock pot recipes that you’d like to share? Link it up via the linky below!

Your Hosts

Julie from This Gal Cooks
Carrie from Frugal Foodie Mama
Paula from Call Me PMc
Jaime from Mom’s Test Kitchen 


It wouldn’t be a true celebration of all things Crock Pot if we weren’t going to also give away a Crock Pot to one of you all…

But it is not just any Crock Pot… it is a 6 Quart Digital Programmable Stainless Steel Crock-Pot and comes with a 16 ounce Little Dipper Warmer– perfect for a sauce, gravy, or dip to go with that main dish you have been effortlessly slow cooking all day!
And we are not stopping there, folks.  Oh nooooo… we are also throwing in the cookbook, Year-Round Slow Cooker: 100 Recipes For Every Season by Dina Cheney! :)
If you happen to be a blogger, we also have a linky going on below all week where you can link up your favorite slow cooker recipe posts!  :)  All four of us bloggers will be sharing the recipes you link up throughout the week on our Facebook pages and on our Pinterest boards.  Be sure to link up (it can get you an extra entry in the giveaway!), but keep it to just slow cooker recipes, folks!  We will be monitoring the links every day and deleting those that are not for the Crock Pot. ;) 
Ready to get entered in the giveaway??  Be sure you read ALL the terms & conditions below before entering.  I am a stickler for them, and your entries will be disqualified if you violate them.  So please follow the rules, have fun, and GOOD LUCK!!
Link up your favorite slow cooker recipes below! Please only link up Crock Pot recipes. Any other recipes linked up will be removed. Be sure to hop around and discover some new slow cooker recipes that you can try out after you win your new Crock Pot. ;)

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15 comments on “Summer Crock Pot Recipes & A Giveaway!”

  1. I so wish I had more good and healthy crock pot recipes! Guess you read my mind… can’t wait to see what you girls have in store for this week. Sharing on facebook and twitter!

  2. Such a great giveaway and link up – thanks for hosting! :)
    Ang, Juggling Act Mama

  3. What a great giveaway you and the other talented bloggers are doing! Love it! Buffering this… (=

  4. Pingback: Grow Your Blog Networking Party #4 - This Gal Cooks

  5. How did I miss this post?! I am always on the look-out for slow cooker recipes.

    I’ve tried to use mine more this summer just to keep the house cooler. And now that we’re moving into soccer season, and my husband and I are coaching my little guy’s team, I like to do a slow cooker meal on soccer practice night.

    Can’t wait to check these recipes out.

  6. Pingback: Ten Super Simple Crockpot Chicken Recipes - This Gal Cooks