Crockpot Lemon Rosemary Chicken
Lemon and rosemary combine to make this wonderful Crockpot Lemon Rosemary Chicken. Just fill up your crockpot, set the temp and let it do the cooking for you!
Crockpot Lemon Rosemary Chicken
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So have any of you ever encountered a crab invasion? No kidding, I really mean it. A crab invasion. I know, some of you may be asking yourself “what the heck is a crab invasion?” Heh Heh. Here in south Florida, some of us encounter crab invasions each year. After we bought our house, we found out our neighborhood was basically built on the homes of hundreds, if not thousands, of blue land crabs. I’ll never forget the first time we encountered it. My mom was in town visiting us and we had gone out to dinner. After dinner, we decided to go to a bar down the road from our house so we could enjoy a few drinks. As we were driving past our neighborhood, my boyfriend said “hey did you guys see that?” Mom and I were like “what?!” Ken hits the next turn off, makes a u-turn and goes back towards our neighborhood. I kid you not, there were hundreds of crabs all over the road at the entrance of our neighborhood.

I know this isn’t the greatest photo, but this gives you an idea of what we saw outside of our neighborhood the first night we encountered crab invasion!
We went to have a few drinks and then came home. The crabs were still EVERYWHERE! This lasted for about two weeks. Crabs under the car. Crabs crawling up the side of our screen door. Crabs hitching a 25 mile ride in the hood of my car. Seriously, that really happened. I was driving to work and kept hearing a scratching noise. When I left to go home from work, I heard the scratching noise again so I sat in the parking lot for a few minutes. When the noise stopped, I backed out of the spot and there was a crab sitting on the ground where my car used to be.

The daring crab. This crab climbed up our screen door.
The point of this story is that the time is almost here for crab invasion. Or Crabpocolypse 2013. It’s crabtastic!
So let’s get to that Crockpot Lemon Rosemary Chicken recipe. If you love lemon, you will love this. Ken wasn’t a huge fan of it. He said it was “too lemony.” I happened to enjoy it but then again, I’m a sucker for lemon! Enjoy!
Crockpot Lemon Rosemary Chicken
To make the gravy:
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Ewwwwwwww!! That is the first I’ve ever heard of this kind of invasion. What is that crab doing trying to enter your how. Julie, how are you not under your blanket for two weeks??
On to the chicken though…now that looks perfect!! Looks tender and I love me some lemon and rosemary!!
Haha, they actually crack Ken and I up. They are too funny! My dog used to chase them around the first time this happened. She doesn’t pay any attention to them now. I think they are kind of stupid too. They just keep crawling and will try to crawl anywhere. That is how they end up on the screen door!
Thanks for the compliment on the chicken! It is very tender. I want to do another crockpot chicken soon. I think I will try another flavor this time – one that Ken will also enjoy. :)
I used to live in Florida and remember all the land crabs at certain times of the year…mainly central Florida. I’m happy I stopped by because I had no idea that you could cook a whole chicken in a crockpot. Certainly makes life easy if you do want to heat up the kitchen in the summer.
It sure does make life easy! Whereabouts in central Florida did you live? I grew up in Lakeland but moved to south Florida in 2009.
I don’t live in Florida anymore…now live in New Hampshire and have a summer cottage in Maine. I used to live in Coral Gables.
Gosh that is a lot of crabs! We’ve been inundated with moths but no crabs here in Colorado. Glad you are seeing them as fun and almost laughable rather than a mess! I roast chicken with lemon often but hadn’t thought to use the crock pot. Will do so the next time. Thanks!
The only time they are a mess is when they get run over. I actually feel sad when I see them get run over. :( They really seem to be senseless. They just wander into the road, right in front of cars. It’s really funny to watch people who don’t want to run over them. They will sit in the road and beep their horns but the crabs just sit there! Luckily last year I didn’t run any over. But the year before I did. There were some hanging out under my car and I ran them over. I didn’t know they were there. Now I know to check before I drive off!
Thanks for stopping by! The crockpot makes it super simple. I really think this is the best way to do a chicken in the crockpot – the whole thing. When you do just breast or thighs, they tend to dry out. Thighs not as much but they are still much better when doing the whole chicken!
Gators sunning themselves near the retention ponds in full view of I-4 – I remember. Those nasty horrid Palmetto bugs – I remember. If a crab crossed my path like this, I’d be packing up and moving to Alaska!! And climbing up the door? Wow! Great pics tho :)
As for this chicken – DELISH! Is there ever a “too lemony” chicken? I think not :)
But they really aren’t scary! All they do is run away from you if you try to go near them. Haha, we like to run after them and terrorize them. Well, I don’t think we are really terrorizing them. But they do get all defensive. The throw up their claws and then run sideways away from us!
Ah yea, those palmetto bugs. They don’t really bother me but they are pretty gross. :P
And I agree. No chicken is too lemony for me!
I totally got the hebejebes when I saw the crab on your door! Funny we get flashlights every summer and walk the beach to crab hunt. But they roam our streets and it just feels weird!! :)
But they really are funny! Not scary at all! :) I’ll take new photos when the crab invasion happens this year. It should be within the next week. :)
Julie, I can’t stop laughing over the crab story, especially the part about the one hitching a ride to work!! I had NO idea this happened! Of course, if any my crab-loving fellow Marylanders were there, they’d be running after them with nets! (I know they are different crabs, but I just imagine!) Anyway, you know I love lemon and this chicken sounds perfect! Pinning and buffering – thanks for the great story! :)
I know, he was very lost after that! Far, far from home! LOL, now it would be funny to see people chasing them with nets!
Thanks for the pin and buffer. :)
OMG!!! That crab stuff is just crazy!! I’d never leave my house! I might have nightmares from those pictures. JK
I’ve never tried cooking a whole chicken in the crock pot before. I need to try that!
But they are so hilarious, Meghan! Seriously, they aren’t scary at all. They are fun to watch! You definitely need to try it. I am going to do another one sometime soon. Different flavor, though. Ken wasn’t super fond of the lemon flavor. LOL
Ok… I have seen a crab invasion! I have cousin who lives in Caracus Venezuela and I went to visit her. On our way back from the beach at night, the roads were covered with crabs… it was gross, you couldn’t avoid driving over them… PS I would love your chicken… you know me and lemons have a love affair! But John isn’t much of a fan… maybe it is a guy thing!
Perhaps a blue crab recipe next? Just kiddin. :)
Oh my gosh Julie, that is the most bizarre thing I’ v ever seen!!! And I thought cicada’s were bad! Yikes! But I digress, this chicken is fantastic Julie!! And all in the crockpot! SO easy and so good!
Okay, a crab invasion is too creepy. I wouldn’t be able to sleep! But the chicken looks fantastic. I was wondering if a few crabs were going to end up as seasoning. :)
Thanks for hosting the GYB party!
Wow! Look at all those crabs Julie! It is a good thing you are not afraid of them!:) The Lemon Rosemary Chicken looks so yummy. I have never used Rosemary. I must give it a try. Guess what you see in my chicken dishes? Thyme!:) Time to try something new. Thanks for sharing and have a good day.
This looks AMAZING, Julie! :) Roasting a whole chicken in my Crock Pot is still one thing I haven’t tried yet. Crazy, huh?? ;)
I think it’s sad that the crabs have lost their habitat. also a little sad that people are either scared or grossed out by it. Not trying to be sanctimonious, I am just a real nature lover and environmentalist.
When we were in Florida (maybe 5 years ago), on the way to my friend’s house we saw four HUGE gators on the side of the road, just sunning themselves by the ditches on the side of the road and then at her house, we saw a scorpion. I was done. Can’t live in Florida. Nor would I live where there were Palmetto bugs. Those things are flying roaches and there isn’t anything I would hate more than a cock roach flying at me! Ick.
It is sad about the crabs. At least they aren’t vengeful for taking over their habitat! Now the question is, can you steam them or make crabcakes out of them??! Hee Hee!
We have alligators around our neighborhood! But I grew up in Florida so they don’t bother me. Nor do palmetto bugs. They are kinda gross but they don’t bite or anything. The things I hate in Florida are the HUGE spiders, mosquitos and noseeums. For some reason, mosquitos and noseeums love to attack me so if I don’t wear Off when I go outside in the evening, it’s guaranteed that I will be bitten. A lot!
Hee hee, I hear that quite often about the crabs! They are actually protected during their mating season (the crab invasion is a result of their migration for mating) and this type isn’t too tasty, from what I hear!
OMG, I think I would have a heart attack. I had no idea crabs had those little eye looking things. I have never heard of this happening before. This lemon rosemary chicken sounds delicious, though. If this happened where I live, I’d have to lock myself inside with it and not come out until they were gone! I don’t like things that crawl (except babies, which is good since I’m studying to be a pediatric nurse practitioner, ha).
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