This Gal Cooks

Link Party: Marvelous Mondays #37 with Features

Good evening and welcome to Marvelous Mondays! Carrie and I are so happy to have you join us each week. We really enjoy your recipes and projects and we enjoy giving you the opportunity to share your creations with the blogging world. We’d love for you to spread the word about the party and invite your blogging friends to join the fun!  We thank all of you for linking up each week and I welcome any new bloggers who linked up! Let’s keep this party growing!

Have you signed up for the Spiked! Recipe Challenge yet? This month’s secret ingredients is Irish Cream! You can sign up by visiting my blog here or Carrie’s blog here.

How many of you visit at least two links after you link up to the party? If you do, then you are awesome! Recently I’ve noticed that the links shared aren’t getting much traffic. The average number of views for the most viewed post each week is 5. Yes, I said 5. And two of those views are from Carrie and myself. There are many links shared that aren’t getting any views at all or getting only one or two views. Let’s keep this party going! Please visit at least two links after you link up. This party brings a lot of traffic to my blog but the goal of the party is to bring traffic to others’ blogs. If shared link views don’t begin to increase, then I am afraid that I am going to end the party.
Now, let’s move on to the party.
Your Hosts
Last week’s most viewed link:

3 Ingredient Orange Creamsicle Cake by Heart & Crafts

IMG_4681 edited 

A few of Carrie and I’s favorites:

Bacon & Asparagus Breakfast Pizza by Hot Eats and Cool Reads



Enchiladas Cancun by Chatting Over Chocolate


Guinness Chocolate Pudding by White Lights on Wednesday



Slow Cooker Clam Chowder by The Kitchen is My Playground

Slow Cooker Clam Chowder_top view 2

If you were featured, please feel free to grab a button on my sidebar.
Party Rules
  • Please follow your hosts via Google Friend Connect, Twitter, Blog Lovin, Facebook or RSS Feed. Please leave a comment stating how you followed so your host can follow you back. Your host and co-host links can be found at the top of the party post.
  • Please visit at least 2 other links. Leave a comment to let them know that you stopped by.
  • Grab a button. It’s not mandatory but it helps get the word out about the party.
  • Link up your recipes, crafts or DIY projects. Please link something that you made. No giveaways or shops, please.
  • Please note that by linking up your posts and projects you are giving This Gal Cooks & Frugal Foodie Mama permission to use your photos in the featured posts and possibly on our social media outlets. All photos will be linked back to your sites and your posts.

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46 comments on “Link Party: Marvelous Mondays #37 with Features”

  1. Thanks so much for the party Julie! GREAT features!

  2. Thanks for the party Julie. Yummy looking features!

  3. Thanks, Julie, for featuring my creamsicle cake! It’s so exciting to see when one of my creations is featured! Wishing you an amazing week.


  4. thank you so much for the party! :)

  5. THANK YOU SO MUCH for featuring my Enchiladas Cancun! I’m honored and thrilled! :) Appreciate the party each week! Hope you enjoy a wonderful week ahead!! :)

  6. Thanks for always hosting the fun party, Julie. :)

  7. Thanks for hosting! :)

  8. Thanks for hosting and have a great week~ Lynn

  9. Great features! Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful week :)

  10. Thank you so much for another awesome party!! Have a great week.


  11. Thanks for hosting Julie…I did find a couple that caught my eye so far this week – that bubble gum cake is adorable! Have a good week!

  12. Thanks for hosting Julie! Have a great week!

  13. Thanks for the party. I hope you had a great weekend! I would like to invite you to Two Cup Tuesday at Pint Sized Baker tomorrow night!

  14. Thanks for hosting week after week, I am glad to be joining in again… have a great evening!

  15. Thanks a lot for hosting! The features look so delicious. Have a good week.

  16. Thanks for hosting – I clicked at least two! :)
    Hope you had a great day, will talk soon ~ Paula

  17. Julie,
    Thanks for hosting this fun party. I love coming to your blog!
    Hope to see you at mine on Tuesday at
    Have a wonderful week.
    Wanda Ann @ Memories by the Mile

  18. Julie, thanks for hosting! I am now following you via FB (Yesterfood and Joy), Twitter, and Google+. :)

    Joy @ Yesterfood

  19. Some really good features… I’m loving that chowder. Thanks so much for the party.

  20. Thanks so much for hosting. Hope you have a super week!

  21. Thank you so much for including my Slow Cooker Clam Chowder in your feature picks for this week, Julie! I truly appreciate it, and appreciate you hosting your wonderful party each week.

  22. Julie, thought it would be fun to join your party! Thank you so much to you and Carrie for hosting – already follow your blog and just subscribed to Carrie’s! I am definitely off to visit some of the other great bloggers and you can always count on me to do that!

  23. Julie,
    Thanks so much for hosting. We look forward to your party every week.

  24. Hi Julie,
    Thanks so much for hosting this party. I always try and visit several blogs and leave a thoughtful comment. Often I will get an e-mail thanks from the blogger for leaving the comment. I really don’t need a thanks–I want them to visit my blog and leave a comment! I know it’s easier just to say thanks (which is nice) but it is traffic to my blog that I want. Can this be addressed? I also get discouraged when I go to leave a comment and I have to jump thru hoops to leave my comment. My eyesight is not great even with glasses and some of the letter/number phrases are just hard to read. It is easy to moderate your comments without this.
    This last week when people have thanked me for a comment I have e-mailed them back and invited them to visit my blog! And most have responded. I’m sorry to complain. I appreciate the hosts. Blogging takes time. I don’t have any adds on my blog–it is just a fun way to share recipes with family and friends.
    But it’s nice to know that someone actually looked at my blog and cared enough to comment.
    Sorry for the rant Julie–I do appreciate all you do!

  25. Pingback: Easy Bolognese Recipe

  26. Thank you for hosting! Following via e-mail, Twitter & Google+!

  27. Thanks for hosting! Have a great week!

  28. Hi Julie
    Another great party – happy to be linking up again, and looking forward to taking a good look at lots of the other links.
    Have a wonderful week.
    Kate x

  29. Thank you for hosting!

  30. Hi Julie!! Thanks for hosting!! Love to link up when I have something new to share :))

  31. Thanks for hosting this week!! Great to see SO many delicious and fun treats/makes here. Checking them out now :-)

  32. Thanks for the party Julie! Have a great week!

  33. Thanks for hosting Julie! I totally agree with the viewing of other peoples blogs! I always do at each link party I go to! Hopefully people will follow the rules!

  34. Thanks for your fun party!

    hugs x

  35. Thanks so much for hosting and for the feature!! Have a wonderful week!!

  36. Pingback: kitty’s curried fish | livingrealblog

  37. Thanks for hosting. I think it is s great that you mentioned visiting others sites. I really don’t know how people link up to 25 different parties a week and visit blogs from all of them.
    I always push myself to comment on at least 5 others’ posts from a link party. That means that I am really limited in how many parties I can link to in a week. Sometimes I only link a post up to one or two, and other weeks I feel like I have more time.
    I also used to follow tons and tons of blogs, but then I would miss posts and not comment on many. So I stopped following a lot of blogs so that the ones I do follow, I am more likely to read and comment on them. It makes it feel much more like a community.

  38. Thanks for hosting the party! This is my first time joining. I’m following you via Facebook.

  39. I am following you via facebook. I am new to these link parties, actually I am new to blogging as well. I have noticed that the same links/photos are showing up at several different parties throughout the week . I have already seen at least 4 of the links above this past weekend, so I will not be going to them again today. Maybe that is part of the problem??? Just a thought. I am working hard on my Spiked Challenge recipe :) Have a great week.

  40. Linked up from both of my blogs this week :) And I made sure to visit a couple of other blogs and leave comments while I was there! I hope you’ll let us know if your request increases the click traffic on your party. I’m experiencing the same problem at my weekend link party too!

    Hope you have a great rest of your week!


  41. this is my first time visiting your site..lovely event..I have linked some of my recipes..marvalous monday party

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